Solar water heating is set to go mainstream following the Federal Government’s enhanced rebate scheme and it comes at an ideal time when electricity prices are set to rise, says Solahart.

“We expect a strong increase in demand for solar water heating, which will propel this once niche product category into the mainstream,” says Stephen Cranch, Solahart national sales and marketing manager. “And with over four million electric water heaters still in the market today there is plenty of room for growth.

“It’s a masterful move at a time when electricity prices are set to rise. The increased rebate will provide much needed relief for householders facing the prospect of escalating energy costs under the emissions trading scheme. As the largest single power user in a home, water heating is also the home’s biggest contributor of household greenhouse gas emissions.

“The rebate, combined with Treasury forecasts of electricity price rises of between 17-24 per cent, means there’s real incentive for householders to become more energy efficient. There hasn’t been a better time to invest in a solar water heater. This is heartening news not only for consumers, but also for local industry and, of course, the environment,” says Cranch.

Householders stand to save thousands of dollars when installing solar water heating because of the increased Federal Government rebate, State Government rebates and cash incentives such as Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).