Superior Steel Screens is creating architectural impressions in both the residential and commercial building spheres with its newly extended range of fixed louvres.

The louvres which are made in Colorbond steel and available in more than 20 colours, are now available in a range of tilt angles from zero degrees right up to 90 degrees.

According to Production Manager, Rita Turnour the extended range of tilt angles has increased the usability and placement options of the louvres.

“Originally the louvre was quite humble in its endeavours and was designed as a vertical window cover, but now, we find that customers are developing their own uses for the louvres,” said Turnour.

“Customers still use the louvres on windows but install them on all sorts of angles to create different effects.

“The louvres have also been used well with patios, as gates and as surrounds to air-conditioning plants and hydrant areas.”

Turnour says customers are being creative with their use of the louvres. “We’ve seen the louvres being used to hide wheelie bins while creating striking garden features.

The Superior Steel Screen louvres are made from roofing-grade Colorbond steel that has a life expectancy of at least 30 years and are available in the full range of Colorbond colours as well as in zincalume and stainless steel.

The louvres also meet strict local council privacy regulations while offering great shade, weather protection and screening options.