A Townsville shopping centre will be fitted with technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by almost 2,000 tonnes a year with assistance from the Government's Green Building Fund.

Stockland Shopping Centre in Aitkinville has accessed $500,000 in assistance to install new systems to reduce emissions.

The Green Building Fund was recently expanded it to include existing hotels and shopping centres.

Stockland will upgrade existing light systems in the centre to reduce energy usage, and install new water cooled air-conditioning and sub-metering systems.

The Green Building Fund is designed to significantly reduce the energy used in hotels, shopping centres and commercial office buildings by installing upgraded building management systems and state-of-the-art heating and air conditioning systems like smart room controllers in hotel guest rooms

Innovation Minister Senator Kim Carr said: “So far, the fund has provided around $77 million to help over 200 commercial office buildings undertake projects that we expect will reduce emissions by 176,000 tonnes a year.

Further information on the Clean Energy Future initiative is available at www.cleanenergyfuture.gov.au and on the Green Building Fund at www.ausindustry.gov.au.