The Property Council has hailed the Government's Urban Renewal Bill 2013 as an essential step in delivering a sustainable urban future for Adelaide.

Property Council of Australia (SA Division) Executive Director Nathan Paine said the legislation will be a lynchpin in the governance structures designed to accommodate the state's projected growth while maintaining our enviable way of life.

"This legislation will deliver a quantum leap in the coordination, quality and timeliness of the state's urban regeneration projects," Mr Paine said.

"It will provide a regulatory framework that will fully integrate the 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide and recent zoning changes with Renewal SA's remit.”

"This is essential legislation that will bring together the Government's excellent work to date in planning for Adelaide's inevitable urban growth."

The Property Council has called for the formation of a 'metropolitan authority' governance model since 2009, having identified this as the most effective means of delivering urban regeneration projects during a tour of international regeneration sites.

The 2009 tour also determined that supporting legislation was essential to these authorities effectively prosecuting their role.

Mr Paine said that the proposed model has a track record of success in Australia, closely reflecting systems, structures and powers available to urban renewal authorities in other Australian jurisdictions.

"With the passage of this legislation, Renewal SA will be better equipped to translate our city's current and future needs into thriving communities that respond to changing expectations and demographic realities," Mr Paine said.

"Councils will also benefit from the legislation as many of the powers it confers to Renewal SA can be adapted to Councils' own efforts to rejuvenate tired suburbs in their bailiwick.”

"The Bill also explicitly incorporates community engagement and design review processes into the planning and design of renewal projects, giving legislative force to the already robust consultative processes in place.”

"This legislation represents a win-win-win for the South Australian community," he concluded.