An exhibition will start today showing the design proposal for NSW’s first planetarium, as conceived by UTS Architecture students and staff in collaboration with architectural practice Offshore Studio.

The design forms the focus of the latest DAB LAB exhibition - Offshore Studio_1001_OPI .

It shows recently prepared presentation drawings and models for The Southern Skies Earth and Space Centre, a 2000 sqm contemporary planetarium and observatory to be built in Orange, NSW.

The project has offered an opportunity for three UTS Architecture students; Tony Ho, Sally Hsu, and Regan Ching, who undertook a supervised subject with Ben Hewett and Anthony Burke as part of the Master of Architecture degree.

The students were given a high level of responsibility in the initial phases of the design.

UTS Architecture Head of School and Offshore Studio Director, Anthony Burke says: “This kind of access to a real client is very unusual, especially as their experience has included the architectural management of the project in a professional context.

“It has worked out very well. The client is thrilled by the input and work of the students, and they have performed wonderfully, feeling a strong sense of ownership of the design of the project.”


Due to open in 2015, the centre will be adjacent to the Orange Botanic Gardens and the triangular-shaped low structure has been designed to fit into the site with a clear synergy that does not disrupt the surrounding landscape.

Burke says: “One of the highlights of the design is the 20 metre cantilevered roof that frames the night sky over the entry terrace.”

Designed with sustainability and high performance energy efficiency in mind, the building boasts a number of environmental features such as a partial sod roof and water harvesting.

Offshore Studio is an architectural research practice consisting of two directors, Anthony Burke, and Ben Hewett, former Senior Lecturer UTS and currently South Australian Government Architect.

The exhibition opens at UTS’s DAB LAB on Wednesday 6 April from 5:30 - 7:30pm.

Southern Skies Earth and Space Centre