Parramatta residents are upset with the Anglican church, for wanting to build a pair of towers next to one of Australia’s oldest churches – St John’s Cathedral in Parramatta’s CBD.

Residents are concerned the tower, which will sit on the same site, will destroy the heritage and significance of the building, as well as limiting church-related activities. The church plans to alter planning rules to accommodate two towers and a public square that fronts Macquarie, Hunter and Church Streets.

The project was initially approved in 2018, but a recent council meeting saw three Councillors lodge a rescission motion, which lost out following Council reaching a majority in favour of the tower and public space. 

Those against the development going ahead believe the church’s plan to ban activities to do with abortion, same-sex marriage and gambling on its land goes against Parramatta Council’s desire to be inclusive and diverse. 

“If the Anglican Church wants to be a developer of this land, then the civic space should be given as public infrastructure in the form of a freehold park for unfettered use by the whole community,” says Labor Councillor Patricia Prociv in an article by the Sydney Morning Herald.

Greens Councillor Phil Bradley believes the construction of the tower would be irresponsible.

“To have such a critically important part of Australia’s history and heritage, St John’s Cathedral, the oldest church in Australia and a national heritage icon, impacted with an enormous tower is irresponsible in my view,” he says.

Parramatta Council Director of City Strategy, Jennifer Concato, says Council is not responsible for policing what events and activities can be conducted on private land.

”If someone wants to conduct an activity that is identified within the social covenant, or active recreation, for example, play a game of football. It is a matter for the church to decide whether they want to move those people on or not, it is not a matter for the council.“


Image: National Trust