The City of Sydney Council has kick-started the process to make new homes and businesses across the municipality all-electric and gas-free.

With 8 out of 10 councillors supporting the motion moved by Cr Emelda Davis, and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor, Sylvie Ellsmore, the updated planning rules will require new homes, apartments and businesses in Sydney to include electric appliances such as stoves, cooktops, heaters and hot water systems, instead of gas-powered units.

This is expected to save every new household an average of $430 per year on their energy bills, according to new research conducted by Strategy Policy Research and commissioned by 350 Australia. This equates to more than $5,500 in today’s dollars over a typical 40-year life of a dwelling, totalling $256 million for all new homes across the City over the same period.

In environmental terms, the switch to electric could save 1.7 million tonnes of carbon emissions over 40 years in Sydney. By following Sydney’s lead, the entire state could avoid 24.1 million tonnes of carbon emissions over the same period.

The Sydney motion was in response to grassroots climate organisation 350 Australia’s ‘Electrify Your Council’ campaign, and came after NSW Premier Chris Minns refused to follow Victoria and the ACT’s lead in banning gas connections in new homes.

The Waverley and Parramatta Councils had also recently passed new planning rules that prevent gas appliances in new homes and businesses. With the state government unwilling to act on the issue, these councils are taking the initiative to lead the way. More NSW councils are expected to follow Sydney’s example, according to 350 Australia, adding political pressure on the Minns government for a state-wide ban on gas connections to new buildings.

“Gas is a potent fossil fuel that is accelerating the intersecting human and ecological crises caused by a heating planet. We need to end the age of fossil fuels now and we can start by eliminating toxic methane gas from our homes, shops and businesses,” Lucy Manne, CEO at 350 Australia said.

“We congratulate the City of Sydney for taking bold climate leadership and taking action where the state government is falling behind.”

Dr Ben Ewald, senior lecturer in epidemiology and member of health advocacy organisation, Doctors for the Environment said, "The flames of a gas stove or heater release toxic chemicals that cause asthma in susceptible people. Everyone with a gas stove should open a window or turn on an extractor fan every time they light it. Not connecting to gas in the first place is a better option, as all uses of indoor gas now have a better electric alternative."

Bronwyn McDonald, NSW Campaigner for Healthy Futures, an alliance of health organisations said, "A child living with a gas stove faces a similar asthma risk to a child exposed to second-hand cigarette smoke.

“To protect vulnerable people like children, the elderly and people with medical conditions, health professionals call on the state government to urgently phase out gas from buildings like homes, schools and hospitals.”
