Local and international architects will be invited to compete to design a ‘world class’ residential project in Sydney’s after Crown Group acquired a prominent parcel of CBD land.

The group has just paid $29 million to Brookfield Multiplex for land at 161 - 163 Clarence Street, Sydney.

Crown Group chief executive Iwan Sunito said: “A design response is required that makes a statement reflecting the importance of the site, and recognises Crown’s commitment to world class architecture, this will be achieved through a design competition with local and international architects.”

Crown in currently in the process of preparing a Stage 1 Development Application in consultation with the City of Sydney.

The scheme is expected to provide circa 220 residential / serviced apartments, with floor plates configured to provide outstanding residential amenity.

The developers announced that plans include “an emphasis on natural ventilation, natural light and views, along with a sequence of high quality and accessible community spaces throughout the building.

“A highly activated and permeable ground plane will be a feature of the development, with a sequence of interconnected laneways configured around a protected but open central piazza.

“Tracing the historical development of the site, these laneways and piazza will be activated by a number of retail uses with outdoor café and dining spaces that spill into the public realm.

“With the inclusion of public art opportunities, these features will lend the building a distinct and recognisable address and unique sense of place at the heart of the historic Clarence Street precinct.”

Sunito says it is an important element in it expanding $2.5B pipeline.

“This phase of our growth is focussed on positioning, both geographically and in the market. We are now engaging in a wide range of locations and market segments,” he said.

“While our strategic approach to acquisitions is based on traditional fundamentals that underpin successful residential development, our trademark design and lifestyle approach will provide distinction in the market”.