The 2010 Building Designers National Conference, Design for a climate changed world, will be held at the Twin Waters Resort on the Sunshine Coast from May 6-9.

Conference topics include:

- Lessons from a Black Day by Dick Clarke. Clarke visited areas devastated by the Victorian bushfires and prepared a report which became the BDANSW submission to the Royal Commission investigating the tragedy. He will present findings to the conference

- The design challenge panel. The design challenge panel will be providing comment on how each conference presentation will impact on the way buildings are designed and how building designers will operate in a climate changed future

- Sustainable for the Long Term by Darryl O’Brien. This presentation will consider the broader question of sustainability in the built environment and consider whether simply increasing building energy efficiency standards will achieve these outcomes. Darryl will examine other sustainability concepts such as embodied energy and consider how building designers can be agents of change in promoting these concepts

- Chain of Custody, it does matter by Jim Burgess

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