The Victorian Government and AFL have confirmed a joint venture agreement to explore the redevelopment of two sites at Melbourne’s Docklands precinct.

Fronting the water at Harbour Esplanade, the site’s may be repurposed for housing, commercial or entertainment. Development Victoria acquired the 160 Harbour Esplanade site in 2018, which sits adjacent to AFL House at 140 Harbour Esplanade.

Both parties hope to create a vibrant mixed-use development that will invigorate the Docklands waterfront, while activating the Marvel Stadium complex. Acting Minister for Development Victoria Natalie Hutchins believes the joint venture is a result for Victorians and future tourists.

“The joint venture will unlock a major new opportunity in Docklands to deliver housing, commercial and entertainment developments that transform Docklands’ waterfront and enhance Marvel Stadium as a sports and entertainment precinct,” she says.

A Planning Scheme Amendment application to change the Melbourne Planning Scheme to include potential building outlines and design requirements for future buildings on the sites has been lodged for consideration by the Minister for Planning.