The City of Sydney is holding a series of free presentations by environmental experts.

Attendees can learn how to reduce their impact on the environment, get technical advice and information on government rebates and help reach the City's Sustainable Sydney 2030 targets at one of this year's Live Green workshops in Surry Hills.

The workshops include:

Monday, April 12 - Installing solar hot water

- solar hot water systems

- maintenance

- rebates

Monday, May 10 - Solar panels for your roof

- calculating roof space and solar potential

- rebates/tariffs

Monday, June 21 - Installing a rainwater tank

- rainwater tank options

- rebates

Monday, July 12 - Greening your body corporate

- case studies

- Green Strata Project

- access to experts (EA, Sydney Water)

Monday, August 9 - Starting a compost or worm farm

- reasons to recycle organics

- to compost or worm farm or bokashi?

- product demonstration

Monday, September 13 - Natural cleaning

- product and technique demonstrations

- overview of harsh household chemicals

Monday, October 11 - Getting started growing food in small spaces

- growing in pots/containers

- chemical-free tips

Monday, November 8 - Insulating your home

- key types of insulation

- questions to ask providers

- rebates

The workshops will be held at Surry Hills Library and Community Centre, 405 Crown Street Surry Hills.

RSVP: Melinda Cook

Ph: 9246 7826

Email: [email protected]