Open House Melbourne (OHM), in partnership with Major Projects Victoria and Metro, has announced that  the Flinders Street Station and Ballroom, Melbourne, will be opened up for an exclusive tour.

The tour, which has only 10 positions available, is offered as part of the promotions for the Flinders Street Station Design Competition People’s Choice Award.

Taking place on 26 July, the public has two chances to win a place on the tour:

One way is to purchase an OHM printed program online by 5pm Friday 19 July. The order will be received by Tuesday 23 July. One set of double passes will be hidden in the programs, giving the winner the opportunity to be part of the tour.

A program costs $10 and an additional $3.50 for shipping. It includes extra content and information on the buildings showing during the OHM weekend, as well as a map and guide for navigating.

Otherwise, the public can enter an online ballot to win one of four double passes. This ballot closes on 19 July, and winners will be announced via email on Monday 22 July.

This tour is offered as part of the promotions for the Flinders Street Station Design Competition People’s Choice Award, which begins on Tuesday 23 July, when six of the shortlisted designs for the rejuvenation of the Flinders Street Station will be revealed.

Using an online voting system, the public will then have the chance to think about all aspects of the designs, and contribute a considered response.

The competition is part of the OHM Weekend (27-28 July), where 111 significant buildings will be opened to the public.

To enter the OHM Street Station Ballot:

To purchase an OHM printed program:

For more information about the Flinders Street Station Design Competition, please visit