$3.9 million in funding from the NSW Government will assist regional councils plan for new affordable, diverse, and resilient housing.

The sum will be delivered through the Department of Planning and Environment’s Regional Housing Strategic Planning Fund. Housing Supply and Infrastructure Director Monica Gibson says the funding will assist in driving housing prices down.

“These grants will help assist councils with developing strategic plans, policies and technical studies to pave the way for new homes across several regional communities,” she says

“This important funding will support tens of thousands of new homes across the state, which will help put downward pressure on housing prices, make home ownership a reality for more people and get more roofs over people’s heads.”

Gibson says the allocation of funding forms part of the government’s response to Regional Housing Taskforce recommendations.

“Our response also contains a range of initiatives to improve data, develop partnerships, speed up assessments, and unlock land and enable infrastructure to create a strong housing pipeline across regional areas,” she says.

“This funding aligns with the Government’s $2.8 billion 2022 NSW Housing Package, where $33.8 million was allocated towards the creation of a 10-year regional housing supply pipeline, to enable the delivery of 127,000 new homes.

“We’re also providing funding and resources for regional councils to help them move a backlog of planning proposals and development applications through our Unblocking Homes program, which will fast-track the delivery of tens of thousands of homes currently stuck in the system.”

Councils that were unsuccessful in the previous funding round will be able to apply in later years, with $3 million available over the next three years. More information on the fund can be found here.