The Western Australian Government has mirrored the changes made by Queensland, New South Wales and Victorian counterparts, allowing homeowners to build granny flats without drawn out approval processes.

The alterations to approval were made with the housing crisis in mind. In order to be exempt from development application submissions to local council, a granny flat must be no larger than 70 sqm, and must meet setback requirements.

WA Planning Minister John Carey believes the removal of red tape will assist in rapidly increasing housing supply.

“COVID has rapidly reshaped our housing market and as a government we are taking it seriously, and we are throwing everything at it,” he says.

“Granny flats can be an affordable, efficient and suitable housing option, including for rental properties and elderly family members seeking to downsize and remain in the community they love. 

This change enables every West Australian home to have the potential to be exempt from planning approval for a granny flat. Any lot could be considered.”

The regulations will be made official in April.