Surry Hills based firm Habitation are proposing to 'activate' the Bondi beachfront in a substantial makeover of Australia's most iconic beach.
Director of Habitation, David Vago launched the proposal which would see the elimination of the car-park replaced with green park area extended closer to the beach with concrete and sandstone being the materials of choice for all walls, terraces and steps.
He also specified that an increase in canopy trees in the area is needed to provide shade and reduce heat island affects.
"We are trying to reduce hard surfaces and make Bondi a much greener beach area with better infiltration of water into the water table and not run off into the ocean," Vago said.
"We think that Bondi being a city beach needs some more activation and a sculptural quality similar to the Spanish beachfront project Benidorm. Instead of walls and railings and a road and car parking splitting the area in 4 ways, our sculpted terraces breakdown the level changes and show a smooth transition from Campbell parade to park to promenade to beach."
It is not just the material area that he is proposing needs upgrading.
"In addition to the physical upgrade, we are proposing that Bondi has more music events, night food markets and that the area inside and outside Bondi Pavilion becomes an activated urban plaza full of places to eat, drink, be entertained and shop."
Vago has contacted State MP Gabrielle Upton as well as Federal member Malcolm Turnbull with his ideas.
"I will make sure a decent upgrade will be attempted and I will keep lobbying the Federal Government, in particular MP Martin Ferguson-Tourism Minister, so that this time when money is spent on Bondi it will be more than a few dodgy mosaic benches, a median strip full of dying plants or seven types of ugly paving."
The Telegraph reported that Waverley mayor, Sally Betts, agrees with removing cars from the beach but was 'disappointed' that Vago had contacted federal and state MP's instead of the council.
"I would urge him to put any ideas to the council and we will consider it, along with everyone else's wonderful suggestions," she said.
Vago has also mentioned that he is trying to contact James Packer with his plans.
"I am also trying to get in touch with James Packer. I was hoping that he might donate $20 million in exchange for Sydney accepting his casino proposal. (A sweetener!)"
Vago hopes to be a part of a peer review committee for the Bondi Upgrade or design team and said that he will continue to lobby on behalf of the city.
"I will keep being a Guerrilla urban designer until I think the Government is making the right decisions for our city, not decisions based on developer greed and the dollar."