City of Sydney has revealed that 277 people are sleeping on the streets within its LGA, a 23 percent increase from the year previous.

The city’s temporary accommodation beds are currently at 93 percent occupancy, with availability steadily decreasing.

“The pandemic exposed and exacerbated existing inequality and highlighted how precarious access to housing, food and financial support is for many,” says Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore.

“But it also showed that with the right political will, governments can find the money, resources and urgency to address some of the biggest challenges our vulnerable communities face.

“When the city went into lockdown, people sleeping rough were rushed into temporary accommodation and many were then supported into longer term housing. “We now have nearly 300 people sleeping on city streets each night, with much of the extra help available through the pandemic now dried up or discontinued, with non-residents back to not being able to access any support at all.

“We know the cost of living is a real issue in Sydney and the pandemic has further widened the inequality gap. We want the level of funding and urgency for housing options and support services made available during the pandemic to return, to ensure a roof is available for people who would otherwise be on the streets. If not, we will see this figure climb again.”

City of Sydney first introduced a dedicated homelessness unit in 2010, with Public Space Liaison Officers tasked with ensuring the homeless are able to access services they need.

Homelessness NSW CEO Trina Jones has called for further government intervention in social housing and homelessness services.

“We urge the NSW Government to guarantee continued funding for the Together Home program which has achieved strong results in helping people who are sleeping rough into stable accommodation with critical wrap around services,” she says.

“The Together Home program has been highly successful in transitioning people from rough sleeping into a home. But just as importantly it is keeping them in those homes because the wrap-around services offered as part of the program help to prevent people returning to the streets. This program was initially funded during the pandemic, but we now need a commitment from the Government for ongoing funding – at $25 million per year this is a relatively modest but important investment.

“Homelessness does not have to be a problem that only gets worse and programs like Together Home can make such a difference to the lives of our most vulnerable people in the community.”

Jones believes social housing funding is now at a crucial juncture.

“We cannot solve homelessness without more housing, it’s that simple. The challenge right now is even greater due to the rising cost of living, low wages and a dire shortage of affordable rental homes making homelessness a reality for more people.”