South Australian architects have applauded the federal government announcement of funding for an Integrated Design Strategy (IDS) for the City of Adelaide as a step towards holistic urban planning.

The Australian Institute of Architects' SA Chapter says the announcement by the federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Anthony Albanese, is endorsement of the work of professor Laura Lee, and follows closely the announcement of an Integrated Design Commission, Advisory Board and a government architect in December 2009.

In an article published in Place magazine last year, Lee outlined nine preliminary recommendations, including an IDS for the City of Adelaide.

SA chapter president Tim Horton says "Adelaide has lacked a genuine commitment to design in the city's public realm for some time. We expect the IDS to map out an urban design vision for the city that both respects Colonel Light's original plan and to chart a clear and inclusive path to a sustainable city form.

"Having a level of design quality in both the public and private realms within our cities enhances the quality of our lives, and fosters a culture of learning, arts, commerce and lifestyle," he said.