From dynamic, industry leading events such as the INDE.Awards and Saturday Indesign to our longstanding print magazine INDESIGN, there is always something exciting going on at Indesign Media. This time, the big news is digital – we are delighted to announce the consolidation of our Asia-Pacific platforms into one place. It all comes together here, at

As part of our pursuit of design excellence, we are bringing together operations from our Singapore, Hong Kong and Indonesian hubs into a unified master site – making it easier to deliver all of the cutting-edge insights into individuals, projects, products and initiatives across Asia-Pacific design. Drawing on the expertise of editors from both Australia and Asia, Indesignlive will become the true epicentre of operations and the go-to place for all your design news.

Newly appointed Digital Editor, Timothy Alouani-Roby, will spearhead the consolidation: “The design world is increasingly connected across borders and we aim to be the place for designers to find inspiration across the region,” Alouani-Roby says. “What we also strive for at Indesign, however, is to be firmly embedded in local design communities – and consolidating our digital platforms into one master site here at Indesignlive will allow us to connect locally, regionally and globally.”

Community integration is a key driver of the evolution as we aim to unite a vibrant collection of people and practices across the Asia-Pacific region. It’s all about fostering stronger connections and collaborations among architects, interior designers, developers and product suppliers. 

Excitingly, this means more news and more ideas from more countries – brought to you all in the one place. All in the one newsletter, whose outreach will extend to over 18,000 highly engaged professionals holding influence in shaping specifications within the region. All in one magazine, whose coverage will expand to feature enhanced regional content, catering specifically to the diverse audience’s interests. Most significantly, all in one digital location as we seek to ensure that Indesignlive fortifies its standing as the predominant platform for the whole region.

It’s always been about relevance at Indesign. Not just pretty pictures but rootedness in the design community. Having recently celebrated the 90th issue of INDESIGN magazine, we pride ourselves on a longstanding reputation for design excellence, and personal relationships with the most prominent and influential designers. Relevant news and stories about the people who matter in design.

Alouani-Roby adds: “Across Asia-Pacific design, there’s a realisation that some of the most exciting things are happening in our region. I think there’s an appetite for new, provocative ideas and to truly champion Australian and Asian design – in a word, an appetite for design coverage with substance.”

CEO Raj Nandan shares his excitement about this massive increase in distribution channels and audiences: “This consolidation marks a pivotal moment in our company’s history. We expect to see a remarkable 50 per cent increase in our audience reach and engagement, underscoring our commitment to serving as the premier source of design inspiration in the Asia-Pacific region.”

Meanwhile, this transformative step is set to provide a significant boost to the prestigious INDE.Awards and unique Saturday Indesign, offering an extensive platform to celebrate outstanding architectural achievements and design innovations.

We’re committed to design excellence, to amplifying the best of design across our region, and to providing you with the news, insights, inspirations and provocations needed to drive that excellence forward. Built around unity in the design community, our centralised platform will revolutionise the brand and offer unparalleled value to readers, partners and stakeholders.