The Opposition has ensnared Max “the Axe” Moore-Wilton, ex-head of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, to cut the time it takes to bring major infrastructure projects to fruition by half.

Delays to infrastructure have drawn significant criticism of the NSW government. The Opposition described the premier Nathan Rees’ recent stimulus package as “about as stimulating as being stuck in traffic congestion on Victoria Road”.

“At a time when other governments were investing, Mr Rees axed the North West and South West rail links, upgrades to the Pacific Highway and rail Clearways projects,” NSW Opposition leader Barry O’Farrell said.

Known as “Max the Axe”, Moore-Wilton will advise the state Opposition on how to halve the lead times of major infrastructure and public works projects. He is not being paid for his services and has not been promised work should the Opposition win the next election.

However, Rees claimed at an economic forum in Sydney last week that infrastructure paid for by the federal government’s $42-billion stimulus package would be fast tracked through the planning process.

“Our goal of halving lead times is necessary, not just to meet today’s global challenges, but to ensure NSW is well positioned to capitalize on the economic opportunities that will arise when the cycle improves,” O’Farrell said.