If the opposition government is successful in resisting Rudd’s $6-billion investment in the building industry as many as 85,000 jobs could be at risk, claims the Housing Industry Association (HIA).

The $5.5-billion funding for new housing for the public and community housing would have an immediate effect but would also achieve a “multiplier effect” by stimulating other activity in the sector.

“The Government’s more than $6 billion dollar investment to boost the supply 

of housing is not only necessary but essential in keeping the many 

thousands of small business and their employees in a job,” the HIA’s MD Ron 

Silberberg said. 

The stimulus package could provide employment for many thousands of bricklayers, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, concreters, plasterers, painters many of which are small and mum and dad businesses.

“Let’s not forget larger Australian manufacturers of building products. They 

too would see the benefits from this package,” Silberberg said. 

The recovery package is both a targeted fiscal stimulus and a social initiative, the HIA said. 

“It is essential that the stimulus be delivered as soon as possible to ensure 

the thousands of small business, tradespeople and employees within the 

sector remain in work,” Silberberg said.