An alien dressed in a space suit and helmet is due to arrive in Sydney next week, Tuesday, October 26.

The performance art is being carried out by artist, architect and academic at UNSW’s COFA (College of Fine Arts), Professor Richard Goodwin.

He will arrive by boat at Circular Quay and will then progress through the city to Town Hall via Governor Macquarie Tower, Martin Place and Pitt Street.

“These are areas are highly surveyed,” says Professor Goodwin who will wear the suit which is adorned with words such as martian, madman, Siev X and idiot/savant.

“I want to see how far I can get before security guards stop me,” he says. “It will provide a better understanding of what happens if you look like an alien — someone who does not fit.”

Goodwin’s academic work has most recently focused on the “porosity” of a city — or how easy it is for citizens to access buildings.

The performance will be part of an exhibition Professor Goodwin will hold next month, ‘Alien’ — between a slum and a hard place’, in Customs House, Circular Quay.