Hassell’s one40william in Perth and BVN’s Brain and Mind Research Institute (BMRI) in Sydney were among winners of the 2012 International Architecture Awards by The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design.

BVN was also a winner with its Puckapunyal Military Area Memorial Chapel in Puckapunyal, Victoria, while Suters Architects was a winner this year with their project Punt Road Oval (pictured below).

Image courtesy Suters.Photography: Emma Cross.

The International Architectural Awards is a distinguished building awards program that honours new and cutting-edge design. This annual program also promotes international architecture and design to a global audience.

They will be presented in Istanbul, Turkey in October at the launch of an exhibition of the award winners that will travel across Europe.

In October, 2012, The Chicago Athenaeum, together with The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies will present a special exhibition of all awarded buildings at the annual The City and the World symposium in Istanbul, Turkey, in conjunction with the Istanbul Biennial.

Image: one40william by Hassell

The 2012 Jury for Awards was held in Oslo, Norway and 81 projects from 28 nations were selected by a group of leading Norwegian architects and educators.

Meanwhile, BVN’s Robina Hospital Expansion was recently awarded two Design and Health International Academy Award High Commendations, one for interior design and the other for sustainable architecture at the Design and Health World Congress in Kuala Lumpur. These awards recognise professional excellence in the research and design of healthy built environments.

James Grose, BVN national director, noted “It is a tremendous confidence booster for Australian architects, to have Australian designs being recognised at the highest levels internationally”.

BVN’s Brain and Mind Research Institute (BMRI). Photography: John Gollings