Architecture groups worldwide are mobilising in the wake of yesterday’s earthquake in the Caribbean country of Haiti.

International architecture groups have already pledged support. Habitat for Humanity International has vowed to help rehome people after the quake.

Habitat for Humanity has been at work in Haiti for 26 years and will use its local expertise and mobilize resources as part of the rebuilding efforts. Habitat has provided more than 2,000 families with housing solutions through a variety of initiatives including new home construction, progressive building, home repairs and improvements. It also builds capacity in construction skills, disaster mitigation and financial literacy, and works in coordination with community and government agencies.

“Habitat for Humanity will mobilize all available resources to address shelter solutions for low-income families affected by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti on Tuesday,” said Torre Nelson, area vice president of Habitat for Humanity International’s Latin America and Caribbean office.

“We are closely monitoring the situation and have been in contact with Habitat for Humanity Haiti. We will begin Habitat’s recovery efforts as soon as possible,” Nelson said.

An Emergency Architects Australia spokesperson said that the Canadian arm of the charity, which already has an existing relationship with the Haiti government, is organizing its relief effort.

“At this stage we are not sure whether they will need assistance from Australia,” a spokesperson told Architecture & Design. “We’d love to be sending people but at this point in time we are going to wait and see how we can support Emergency Architects Canada.”

A spokesperson from architectural relief group Article 25, Stephanie Johnston, said: “Amid the chaos and confusion in the immediate aftermath of such a large-scale natural disaster, the importance of architectural expertise in the reconstruction effort will play a vital role in the coming months.”

“[We] fully support the international community and aid organisations in their pledges to help Haiti recover after this catastrophic event.”