A new plan for the Coffs Harbour City Centre has been released.

The planaims to accommodate aound 5,000 new residents and 2,000 new jobs over the next 25 years.

The plan consists of a vision which sets a strategic direction for the city’s growth, a draft Local Environmental Plan (LEP) which establishes the statutory planning provisions across the city such as zonings, heights and floor space ratios and a Development Control Plan which outlines the more detailed planning provisions such as building setbacks, solar access and pedestrian amenity.

The LEP includes provisions which encourage new buildings which enhance the town's public domain. Controls in the provisions include:

- establishing scale, dimensions, form and separation of buildings appropriate for development in the city centre

- a strong focus on active street frontages

- ensuring building depth and bulk is appropriate to the environmental setting and landform

- encouraging mixed use development with active street frontages

The strategy places a strong emphasis on street setbacks, stating "Above street frontage height, buildings are to be setback to provide sunlight access to streets, comfortable wind conditions, view corridors, an appropriate building scale for pedestrians and growing conditions for street trees".

A focus on sustainable design also features, with controls including minimum points in offices which are required to be within 10m of a light source and using atria, light wells and courtyards to building amenity inside and achieve cross ventilation.

Controls will also include a limit on building heights of up to 24m in the commercial core of the town and 22m in all other zones and controls for building design and materials, including the provision of balconies and terraces where buildings overlook parks; articulated facades; and external facades constructed of 'durable' materials and finishes which are 'self cleaning', such as bricks, rendered bricks, stone concrete or glass.

The plan will be placed on public exhibition from Thursday, August 12.