The architectural firm Fitzpatrick and Partners has won the design competition for a major development project at 33 Bligh Street, Sydney.

Investa Property Group and Ausgrid hosted the competition, which commenced last November with five architectural firms asked to submit a proposal.

Fitzpatrick and Partners’ proposal was considered to provide a ‘unique landmark building which would add vitality and quality to the mix of buildings in the CBD, whilst meeting the unique requirements of the site’.

An iconic tower form made up of three cubic volumes and separated horizontally with horizontal offset was seen as a defining feature of the Fitzpatrick design, with the sky lobby forming the main entry experience to the tower in an open and welcoming environment.

The Selection Committee comprised representatives from both local and state government including City of Sydney Director City Planning and Regulatory Services - Graham Jahn and NSW Government Architect - Peter Mould, along with personnel from the site owners Ausgrid and Investa.

The Selection Committee Report stated that the Fitzpatrick and Partners “proposal was a bold, crisp design that presents as heroic and resonates landmark quality, providing a positive architectural statement for the CBD. The proposed substation façade presents many artistic possibilities and celebrates rather than hides the substation component, whilst incorporating art for public benefit”.

The joint venture between Ausgrid and Investa will occupy a prime Sydney CBD location.

Ausgrid propose to construct a substation on the site with Investa to develop a commercial tower above.

Ausgrid Managing Director George Maltabarow said the partnership between Ausgrid and Investa was an efficient and innovative way to deliver essential infrastructure and outstanding architecture for the city.

“We wanted this development to be energy efficient and cost efficient,” Mr Maltabarow said.

“We’ll achieve both by incorporating a 5-star-green-star rated commercial tower into the design.”

The project would deliver 26,000 square metres of A-grade office space.

Fitzpatrick and Partners will now join the project team and technical consultants to commence preparation of planning consent documentation encompassing the overall design of the substation and commercial tower. The team is also working with the City of Sydney Council to ensure design excellence.

The second stage of a Part 3A application is expected to be lodged with the NSW Department of Planning in September 2011.