An $80 million redevelopment is proposed for the City of Fremantle’s Queensgate building and surrounding Kings Square precinct.
The City Council is considering signing what it called a ‘groundbreaking Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)’ with Myer Fremantle building owner, Sirona Capital Management, on the integrated redevelopment of multiple sites within Fremantle’s Kings Square precinct.
If adopted, the MOU will all negotiations to begin on an integrated redevelopment of sites within the Kings Square precinct which may include the Myer building; Queensgate buildings and car park; Fremantle Town Hall Centre buildings; the Spicer site and public space within Kings Square itself.
City of Fremantle Chief Executive Officer, Graeme Mackenzie, said: “It is an important starting point and a unique opportunity for the City to facilitate the redevelopment of key sites through a single integrated project.”
“Kings Square is the civic and geographical heart of Fremantle and has long been identified as one of the keys to revitalising City Central. Redeveloping Kings Square as a precinct would allow us to achieve a number of the objectives outlined within the City’s Strategic Plan within one project — it’s a very attractive opportunity to provide the Fremantle CBD with a vibrant focal point,” he added.
Fremantle Mayor, Dr Brad Pettitt, said the MOU would begin a process which will include stakeholder engagement and community information programs from the outset.
“The MOU will provide the basis for detailed examinations of the feasibility of the project and one of the first things we’ll be doing is engaging with the community and key stakeholders on this important site to ensure we get the best outcome,” said Dr Pettitt.
“Quality building design and effective land use are critical to the success of this redevelopment opportunity. Should it be found feasible to proceed, a great deal of effort will go into a design that is worthy of the important place Kings Square serves as a civic space in Fremantle,” he added.
Mackenzie said: “Treating Kings Square as an integrated redevelopment is based on practicality and will ensure its overall function and visual appeal will benefit from carefully considered design and planning decisions. We want the precinct to be more than just the sum of its individual components.”