The Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning’s newest digital fabrication technology will be on display at the University of Sydney’s Open Day on August 27.

The technology takes an image from 3D modelling software and generates an accurate replica of the object before your eyes.

Prospective students will have the chance to watch the MakerBot materialise a digital CAD model into a physical artefact. It will run in the hands-on activity area at University Place by the Quadrangle on Open Day.

“From rabbits to miniature Empire State Buildings”, the MakerBot allows students to visualise design concepts by converting them into plastic 3D models.

The technology enables students to quickly and accurately produce their designs and effectively rethink the way they design, says Lisa Fathalla, Digital Fabrication Technician of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning.

“These machines are ingrained within the learning process, enabling students to gain new skills in producing physical models, new precision in producing designs in real life and allowing them to see their designs in action throughout the design process,” she said.

“The ability to readily model and fabricate architectural elements or scaled models of whole buildings will enable architecture students and architects to continually rethink the way they design as and quickly produce physical manifestations for their designs.

“The integration of digital modelling and fabrication practices into the industry is propelling architecture to new heights and enabling architects to continually imagine greater possibilities.

“This technology will be used widely in the future and the Faculty is dedicated to making these available to students throughout the course of their studies.

Open Day gives potential students the opportunity to explore the diverse range of degree programs on offer at the University of Sydney, including those in the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning.

There will be information booths in the Quadrangle where faculty representatives, career experts, and admissions advisers, will be on hand to talk one-on-one and answer questions.

There will also be mini-lectures and regular tours of the campus, residential colleges, and museums over the course of the day. Thirty minute tours of the facilities available to Architecture and Design computing students will commence from 10am.


  • What: University of Sydney Open Day
  • When: Saturday 27 August, 9:30am — 4pm
  • Where: University of Sydney Camperdown and Darlington campuses

Photo: MakerBot Thing-O-Matic. Source: