Kevin Ng is a director at MPR Design Group, which was recently formed through a merger of Brian Meyerson Architects and JPR Architects.

He has over 12 years experience in architecture and is currently working on the $1.5 million Bronte Residence 1.

A&D spoke to Ng about designing luxury homes, taking risks and how you get lucky in architecture.

What has been one of the most challenging projects you've worked on?

Every project has its own challenges, no matter how big or small. I am currently designing a 30 sqm shop in Bondi which, while small, has plenty of challenges, including dealing with residents, a body corporate and fitting in all the client’s requirements in such a confined space. The challenges are what keep it interesting.

You specialise in luxury residential homes. What is it you enjoy about designing luxury homes?

I enjoy coming up with clever design solutions — these can be in direct response to a client's brief, developing ways to address challenges a site may present or in doing a layout for a bathroom or kitchen. Working with people to identify what they want from their home and delivering this is very satisfying. Luxury homes also usually have healthy budgets which also allow us to have fun and use opulent finishes.

What has been your favourite residential project you've worked on?

I think Vaucluse House. It was an all-round great experience. Firstly because this was one of my first houses designed some seven years ago and the fact that we had a wonderful client and a great team of builders and consultants. When the project team is in synergy working together it makes all the difference.

You have also done extensive work on restaurant design. What restaurant do you wish you had designed?

Wagamama in Soho London by David Chipperfield. I first saw this in the late 90s and thought it was elegant and simplicity personified. It is still very relevant today.

What is the biggest risk you have taken in a design context?

There is always a risk when you do something that has not been done before. The risk that it may not work or exactly what you had imagined or designed. The key is to manage the risk by clear communication with the client and to have a good set of drawings for the builder.

What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever told you, whether that be professionally or personally?

The harder you work the luckier you get!

What inspires you?

I am inspired by other designers, including architects and graphic and industrial designers. We have a very talented team in the office — some of who have been in the architecture industry for more than 30 years. I am inspired every day by the team around me.