A local Geelong architect has been appointed for the $3 million redevelopment of the Geelong Performing Arts Centre (GPAC).

Peter Woolard of architecture firm Studio 101 will be a principal partner in the refurbishment of the 800-seat theatre. The work will include new seating, updated interior design, new house lighting and improvements to occupations health and safety and disability access.

It is hoped that the redevelopment will increase audience size, create a dynamic arts hub and enhance the precinct’s public profile.

“These works will be completed in the context of the planned development of the Geelong arts precinct, a project which is currently under examination through Major Projects Victoria,” Victorian arts minister Lynne Kosky said.

“This refurbishment will ensure that the Ford Theatre meets current audience expectations, industry standards, and continues to be the region’s signature performance space,” member for Geelong, Ian Trezise, said.

Cultural facilities make a vital contribution to the economic growth, liveability and wellbeing of communities, Kosky said.

“It’s wonderful that the Ford Theatre refurbishment will support the growing and vibrant arts scene in the Geelong region by giving this valuable and much-loved cultural asset a new lease on life,” she said.