There will be no development on four sites in the Oxford Falls Valley after the NSW minister for planning, Kristina Keneally, threw out proposals today. 

In light of an assessment by the Planning Assessment Comission (PAC), Keneally rejected the idea that Oxford Falls West, Red Hill, Lizard Rock and Cromer Golf Club could support urban development and should be added to the Metropolitan Development Program (MDP).

“The PAC report advises that these sites will not be capable of urban development for at least ten years and until further studies are undertaken by council,” Keneally said.

The assessment’s main concern is that the sites do not meet the sustainability criteria, particularly in relation to transport, access, housing diversity and some environmental and land use conflict restraints.

“As well as refusing any development on these four sites I am requesting Warringah Council undertake further studies to determine the cumulative impacts on the entire Oxford Falls Valley catchment area,” Keneally said.

Warringah Council will need to undertake research into transport and accessibility, considering road network and bus-route potential in the Oxford Falls topography; management of bushfire hazard; water quality of the Narrabeen lagoon and its catchment; Flora and fauna protection; and visual analysis.

“This area of Sydney contains unique topography and dense vegetation so any plan for urban development in this valley needs to be assessed with great care,” Keneally said.

An additional 10,300 dwellings will be required in Warringah by the year 2031, most of which can be met through infill development in the existing urban area.