A new planning framework has been launched for Perth and Peel to guide planning for the city to 2031.

According to ABS figures, the Perth and Peel regions are projected to grow from 1.65 million people to more than 2.2 million by 2031, requiring 328,000 new dwellings to accommodate this growth.

"Directions 2031 is a strategic framework which will assist the State Government in the sustainable management of this growth, while allowing it to maintain the features which contribute to the quality of life enjoyed in Perth and Peel," says John Day, Planning Minister.

Directions 2031 includes housing and employment projections and a new hierarchy of activity centres connected by new and proposed movement and public transport networks.

The plan is seeking a 50 per cent improvement on current infill residential trends and also on average residential density in new development areas. It sets a target of 47 per cent, or 154,000 of the required 328,000 dwellings, as infill development.

For new areas of development, it sets a target of 15 dwellings per gross urban zoned hectare of land.

The central Perth metropolitan sub-regional strategy has provisionally allocated the Directions 2031 infill housing targets across the 19 local government areas.

"The outer sub-regional strategy tackles the more complex task of achieving higher density on the urban fringe," Day says. "This task demands careful consideration of the environment, identifying workplaces closer to where people live, and ensuring these areas have access to basic services such as clean running water, energy, management of waste and community infrastructure such as schools, health, parks and so on."

Directions 2031 outlines an urban expansion management program to ensure there was enough land available for development and to avoid the supply shortages and negative effect on housing affordability under the previous Labor government.

"While there is currently more than 18,600 ha of land zoned either urban or urban deferred in the metropolitan and Peel region ... it is important to ensure rezoning of land takes place at the appropriate time in the most suitable locations," Day says.

"The purpose of this program is to identify land ahead of the rezoning process and to stage the rezoning of that land in response to future growth trends."