The temperature in Astana can drop to -40F (-40C), but Kazakh residents could soon be able to sun themselves on a beach, go for a gondola ride or use a waterslide thanks to plans for an indoor city capable of housing 20,000 people. Telegraph

On Friday a squirrel got busy on the new green roof at City Hall, fussing amid the 3,250 square metres planted with a kaleidoscope of sedum, alium, salvia, chives, mint, bluebells and prairie smoke, among other greenery and flowers. National Post

Frank Gehry once vowed never to build in Las Vegas, a place where serious architecture is submerged in a tsunami of kitsch, or fatally compromised by commercial imperatives. Larry Ruvo, who made a fortune as Nevada’s chief liquor distributor, refused to take “no” for an answer. The Architect's Newspaper