“It’s not just that [Adam Kalkin] specialises in creating buildings out of surplus supplies of shipping containers. It’s more that the New York artist/architect seems downright hostile to conventional practice and the nitty-gritty of getting things built.”

Building Design

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“Then again, you come across a surprising number of people for whom Corb is God. And at least as many for whom, because of his provocative and influential early city plans full of skyscrapers, he is the very devil.”

The Times

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“It seems there is no architect left in the world that isn’t either in fear for their job or has already lost it, however good and however wide their work is spread.”

Building Design

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“Why is the world of non-inhabited arts always at least a decade behind architecture? Have they only just discovered that in a globalised culture you can put exactly the same iconic shit in Toronto, Qatar or, even worse, Norwich?”

Architects Journal

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