Award winning architecture is 'not fit for a strip club', the best cities 'steal' ideas and why all architects should be banned from metaphor in today's news digest...

“Calling the design that was unveiled last night "architecture" may be stretching things a bit. From the start of this hugely flawed process, which began more than a decade ago, Philadelphia-based H2L2's assignment has been to embellish a standard, highway-style bridge created by the engineers at Gannett Fleming of King of Prussia. Their design work serves as camouflage, like the pasties on a strip-club dancer.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer

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"The best cities steal the best ideas then nuance them to fit their own community. We call it the art of legitimate larceny."


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“The only trace of Islam in the architecture of Brick Lane is to be found in an anorexic archway near the Whitechapel Gallery, a municipal gesture in sickly purple and green that falls in the no-man’s land between street furniture and lamp posts (the latter are also Islamicised here, in kitschy shapes and bright colours).”

Financial Times

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"There is a market in ideas here ... The intervention in individual projects by somebody with enormous influence and power but who is not actually accountable to the public is not the way to make such a market in ideas flow.”


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“The prow can only be a ghastly reference to Liverpool’s maritime past and conclusive evidence that all architects should be banned from the use of metaphor, simile or metonymy in the next 100 years at least.”

The Architects’ Journal

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