Embarrassing "twee" designs by a leading architect, Chicago's commission on landmarks is "gutless" and truths, half truths and revelations, in today's news digest...

"It is decoratively over-elaborate and almost embarrassingly 'twee'. Although it is designed by a leading architect, one could easily imagine it being replicated one day in a garden furniture catalogue."

BD Online

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“This great, marvellous, multi-faceted city was not created by workshops and communities designing things in groups. Neither the city's monuments nor its ordinary streets and squares were made by people consuming tea and biscuits in community halls, wielding felt-tips and Post-it notes - the preferred tools of community design - on colourful plans.”

London Evening Standard

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“Whatever the truths, half-truths and untruths of these latest revelations, and however strongly some architects may feel that the prince is subverting the planning process, it is profoundly sad, and downright annoying, to see architectural debate, and discussion over the future of our towns and cities, reduced to this kind of penny dreadful lark.”


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“The BIG is horrible. It’s the 1950s style of the U.S. A big parking lot surrounded with shit.”


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“The gutless Commission on Chicago Landmarks may have refused, despite its central responsibility as the protector of the city's architectural legacy, to lift a finger to save anything from the 1950's campus, wrapping itself in the empty posture of gee, if only someone would submit a good plan, maybe we would do something, but Landmarks Illinois has called its bluff.”


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