"Right wing" creating racial tension in Switzerland, Architects stuck in "Box-on-stilts" rut and Hobart ignoring the role of modern architecture.

"Decisions like this should be placed on architectural factors, not a pretext against Islam. This is more to do with the emasculation of a group of people - the right wing is behind this."

The Architects' Journal

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"Will architects ever give us something new? Sure, we get some wild edifice-expressions, whether the crumpled-paper shapes of Frank Gehry or the off-kilter polyhedra of Rem Koolhaas. But even when today's architects escape the old box-on-stilts of the International Style, they stick to the one unwritten law of modern architecture: Thou Shalt Not Ornament."

The Wall Street Journal

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"To dismiss Number Ten as intrusive does not allow the 20th century a place in the history of our cities. It also ignores the role of modern architecture in addressing the complex issues that arise from anticipated growth in the urban environment. If we are to remove the best examples of how we might grow our cities, while only retaining the qualities that connect us to our more distant past, then we have much to understand of the means to achieve a sustainable society."

Australian Design Review

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"It may be that we have already committed to a future sea level rise of a metre or even more but that doesn't mean that you give up. Because if you give up you could be talking about tens of metres. So I find it screwy that people say you passed a tipping point so it's too late. In that case what are you thinking: that we are going to abandon the planet? You want to minimise the damage."

The Guardian

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"It's just a nonsense document. It's not legislation and doesn't hold any status. It sounds like an annual report that's been produced at great cost. We have lots of meaningless phrases that are aspirational."

BD Online

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