‘Building for extreme environments: Arid’ is the first of a three-part
series published by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
(CIBSE) on building in extreme environments.
With landmark building projects both in the Middle East and other arid
environments gaining global attention, the new CIBSE publication ‘Building
for extreme environments: Arid’ is timely as it addresses the specific
challenges of developing the built environment in the world’s hot desert and
semi-arid areas.
As ‘Building for extreme environments: Arid’ is climate-zone
driven, guidance within the publication can be applied to building engineering
in different parts of the world. The first publication is compiled by an
international steering group of experts in their respective fields, and covers
topics encompassing the arid climate; basic design data; building design and
construction materials; equipment design data; and sustainability.
CIBSE’s publication for arid zones encourages an integrated design
approach to building engineering in the particular climate zone, and
acknowledges issues such as sourcing materials, waste management and logistical
challenges involved in working within remote regions.
With an ever-increasing number of CIBSE members working on international
projects, or based in unknown locations, CIBSE’s series on building in extreme
environments will serve as an introduction to topics that might be unfamiliar
and provide information upon which reasoned judgments may be made or lead to
further research to be undertaken in support of their professional duties.
This new guidance is an important contribution to CIBSE's efforts to
make a positive difference to the built environment in the Gulf region. Lead
author of the publication, AECOM’s UAE-based Sean McKeag explained that he came
across the original CIBSE TM04 when he was researching design guidance for the
Middle East prior to going there in 2007 from Melbourne. After six years
working in the GCC, the new publication offered him an opportunity to share
with other CIBSE members the latest insight and knowledge on working in this
specific type of environment.
During the last few years CIBSE has invested in a series of resources that
aim to assist building professionals in considering weather and climate change
in the design and running of their buildings. ‘Design for Future Climate – Case
Studies’ presents current practice and understanding of carrying out building
adaptation strategies, rather than commenting on best practice.
CIBSE is performing a key role in providing guidance on the impact of
future climate on building designs. CIBSE publications also include ‘Probabilistic
Climate Profiles’ (ProClips), ‘TM55: Design for Climate
Change’ and ‘TM52: The Limits of Thermal Comfort – Avoiding Overheating in
European Buildings’.
Guidance can be accessed on www.cibse.org/knowledge and is free to
CIBSE members.
‘Building for extreme environments: Arid’ is the first of a three-part
series from CIBSE and will be followed by building design guidance for ‘Polar’
and ‘Tropical’ climates.