A new computer aided engineering (CAE) platform from MSC Software Corp.
has been selected by Desktop Engineering as its Editor’s Pick of the Week for
October 8, 2014.
According to editor at large for Desktop Engineering, Anthony J.
Lockwood, MSC Apex takes a different approach to engineering analysis by
offering a fully integrated and generative simulation environment that provides
full associativity between geometric and analysis data.
Lockwood explains that the CAE software is built on a CAE-specific
direct modelling and meshing engine, supporting integrated solver methods that
let the user interactively validate parts and subsystem models by pulling,
pushing and doing all neat direct-modelling actions. Mesh updates happen in
synch with user actions.
Lockwood adds that these capabilities mean users can create and validate
parts independently from the earliest stages. MSC Apex can accelerate CAD to
mesh process by a factor of up to 50X and return up to 10X productivity gains
in model preparation.