The Association for Sustainability in Business Inc is conducting a webinar on April 17th 2014 covering the subject of ‘waste’.
Each session will last 45 minutes including a 30-minute presentation and 15 minutes of Q&A with the audience. The webinar presentation will explore the relationship between landfill pricing and recycling, and document the key initiatives required over the next decade to drive improved recycling in the MSW, C+I and C+D sectors.
Australia generates 46.8 MT of waste. Despite steady increases in the rate of recovery (av. 52%), the waste generated between 2002/03 and 2008/09 grew by 40%, while population increased by only 10% (SoE Report NSW, 2013).
Recycling is probably the only growth area in the manufacturing sector in Australia with nine jobs created in this segment for every job in landfill.
The presenter, Mike Ritchie has over 20 years of experience in environmental policy and business development. He has previously worked for SITA Environmental Solutions, as advisor to the Lord Mayor of Brisbane and Director of Liverpool City Council.
He is past National Vice President and NSW President of WMAA, as well as current Chair of the Carbon Division and AWT Working Group. He is also past director of Environment Business Australia and a Sessional Commissioner of the Land & Environment Court NSW.
Mike has a Masters in Science from Oxford University and an MBA from Sydney University.
There are no charges to attend the webinar. To be held on Thursday April 17th 2014, 1-1.45 PM, the webinar is limited to 50 participants.