A ban on the manufacture, use and import of harmful engineered stone products is one step closer after the ALP national platform was amended, says the union representing building workers.

Engineered stone products used in Australian homes produce deadly respirable crystalline silica dust which can cause silicosis during manufacture and when it is cut to fit kitchens and bathrooms where it is currently widely used.

CFMEU Construction and General Division National Secretary, Zach Smith says the inclusion of a ban on engineered stone products is welcomed by all building workers.

“The deadly dust produced by engineered stone is taking the lives of young tradespeople in this country and it needs to be banned.

“No matter how good a kitchen might look, it is no substitute for the health of a tradesperson.

“Make no mistake, engineered stone is the next asbestos and we need to get it banned urgently in this country.

“I want to thank delegates to the ALP National Conference for voting to include this ban on harmful engineered stone products in the ALP national platform.

“We know that one in four of the workers who use this stone will develop deadly silicosis or other deadly dust diseases.

“You don’t need engineered stone to build homes or offices, it’s not integral to the building process, it's a cosmetic product.

“We need to keep fighting to make sure this ban is rolled out immediately.”

Image: https://lens.monash.edu/@medicine-health/2019/08/02/1375989/silicosis-deadly-dust-disease-hope

For more information on silicosis, go to our recent podcast on the subject.