Infinity, a unique new building designed by Koichi Takada Architects, is nearing completion after five years in the making.
Located in Zetland, the mixed residential building has made waves for its distinctive design, the likes of which have never been seen in Sydney before.
Referred to as the ‘landscaped tower’, the building has been designed to bring more sunlight into the Green Square Library and Plaza, which is mostly underground and relies on natural light. Using terracing and level changes to connect the building from multiple angles, the aerodynamic form draws air into the courtyard and facilitates natural ventilation through pressure differentials.
It has a distinctive ‘loop’ design, whereby there is a large cavity in the building that brings light and air into the centre.
According to Koichi Takada, Infinity creates an experience of being within the landscape, with a shape that is almost fighting against height and trying to push down as much as it can to bring the experience down to a more human scale.
“Being different often draws controversy,” says Koichi Takada, founder and director of Koichi Takada architects.
“Our team has endured emotional ups and downs to create such a unique piece of architecture in Sydney. The shape adapted due to the environment, to respond to the sunlight, to create a relationship with the surrounding buildings, and really open the vista for the people who live around it.
“To keep it simple, no one has ever seen anything like it in Sydney.”
Photography by Ashleigh Hughes, Ethan Rohloff and Martin Siegner