Global consultancy firm Arup has released a report outlining the changes global cities need to make to convert the historic CoP21 Paris Agreement from aspiration to reality.

'Deadline 2020: How cities will get the job' done provides an analysis of the contribution that the 84 global C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) need to make if they’re cap temperature increases to 1.5 degrees as per the CoP21 agreement.   

Deadline 2020 provides concrete steps for cities to meet their part of this objective, offering a roadmap of actions. Arup estimates that it will require approximately $375 billion in investment by national governments and the private sector over the next four years.

"Through this action and investment, we have the opportunity to deliver climate-ready cities that are efficient, resilient and liveable." - Arup

It also believes that sharing this investment will transform and improve entire economies, creating jobs, bolstering infrastructure, and improving public health.

Key recommendations include:

  • The need to ramp up action
  • Greater opportunity for the buildings and transit sectors
  • Smart urban planning can make all the difference
  • Partnerships and collaboration will be key

The report has been delivered by Arup alongside C40 as part of a collaborative partnership. Together the teams are developing strategic analysis and research which is central to progressing our understanding of how cities can contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The report is available for download here.