Architects and designers will be treated to a Dark Sky evening at the Sydney Observatory, covering astronomy and inspiring lighting design on November 27.

The International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) and Professional Lighting Designers Association (PLDA) are putting on the event.

Internationally renowned astronomer Fred Watson, known from his weekly radio spots on ABC 702 Sydney with Adam Spencer, will deliver a talk “Dark Secrets, Dark Skies”.

After the talk, a number of Australian’s leading lighting designers from Sydney and Melbourne will talk about innovative and inspiring lighting schemes in “Pecha Kucha” style.

Following the presentations attendees will have the opportunity for a telescope viewing with an Observatory astronomer.

Entry is free for IALD and PLDA members; all others are asked for a $10 donation to the Public Education foundation, supporting students getting into science; a charity that is close to Fred Watson’s heart.



When:   Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Time:   6:30 P.M. – Refreshments, Presentations and Telescope Viewing

Where:    Sydney Observatory:

Cost:       IALD/PLDA members – Free

For others, organisers request you make a $10 AUD donation to the Public Education Foundation which promotes science education:

RSVP:     By Tuesday, 20 November 2012 to: [email protected]

Non-members are asked to include PDF proof of your donation with your RSVP.