Local residents at Alexandria have opposed a 10-storey affordable housing development submitted by City West Housing, claiming that the project will affect property values, natural light, privacy and the overall tranquillity of the suburb. 

The proposed 104-dwelling complex fronts Wyndham Street, a site located within the recently rezoned Botany Road Corridor, which has been reformed to allow for additional affordable housing.

But residents are pushing back against the proposal. An anonymous flyer dropped in the letterboxes of nearby residents has called for local residents to take “a stand against a proposed development that threatens our neighbourhood’s tranquillity and wellbeing.”

“Reduced sunlight can affect our daily lives, diminishing natural light in our homes and outdoor spaces. Scenic views that we cherish may be altered or lost, impacting our community’s character. Increased height and proximity might lead to privacy concerns and affect property values.”

City West Housing’s Head of Development Lisa Sorrentino has been quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald, claiming that the residents in opposition to the development do not understand the term affordable housing.

“We don’t take off the social housing wait list, we take off our wait list,” she says. 

“We have lots of local workers, we also house victims of family and domestic violence. We have retirees. We have a whole range of people that are a reflection of the local community.”

Sorrentino believes community engagement and feedback is crucial to producing high-end outcomes. The development is only at the concept stage, with a design competition due to kick off in the coming months. 

Residents have until December 12 to voice their concerns to City of Sydney.