The NSW Government has unveiled the final Precinct Plan for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, which will create over 100,000 jobs and 11,400 new homes in its lifetime.
Released last week, the Plan includes finalised layouts for the Aerotropolis Core, Badgerys Creek, Northern Gateway, Agribusiness and Wianamata-South Creek precincts, following an extensive consultation process.
Minister for Planning and Minister for Homes Anthony Roberts says the finalisation of the plans provides clarity to community, investors and developers for future planning.
“The final Precinct Plan will enable the development process to begin in the Aerotropolis, and kick start the benefits and opportunities that a new international airport will bring to Western Sydney,” he says.
“The finalisation of the plan for the initial precincts lays the foundation for the transformation of 6,500 hectares of land, with new homes, jobs and open spaces, supported by the right infrastructure.”
The special infrastructure contribution framework of the Plan will see developer contributions fund up to $1.1 billion in infrastructure like roads, public transport, health facilities and schools, to support the new city.
“The Aerotropolis will be our newest, thriving commercial city to rival the world’s greatest, that’s why we took time to get the planning right, setting us up for success over the decades to come, ” says Roberts.
“We’ve listened to the community and the Independent Community Commissioner, and finalised these plans in line with their feedback.”
Minister for Western Sydney Stuart Ayres says community feedback and consultation has resulted in a better balanced Aerotropolis plan that will create more jobs closer to where people live.
“This is a once-in-a generation opportunity to deliver a thriving new city for Western Sydney,” he says.
“Infrastructure investment in the airport, roads and the new Metro will make the Aerotropolis one of the best-connected areas in the country, making the Western Parkland City the best place to live, work and invest in for generations to come.
“The revised Open Space Network will ensure more than 95 percent of homes in the future Aerotropolis are located within 400 metres, or five minutes walk of open space.”
To view the final plans, click here.
Image: NSW Gov't