Georges River Council has greenlit a revised masterplan for its suburb of Mortdale, which will deliver some 578 homes within the area.

The masterplan has been created by CM+ with the plan of transforming Mortdale into a vibrant community with a contemporary village centre, with a variety of housing types, open and green spaces and streets and a plethora of retail, social and commercial entities. 

The masterplan accounts for an increase in population within the LGA, with the Georges River population expected to increase by over 35,000 in the next 17 years.

The initial masterplan, devised in 2021, contained nearly 1,000 homes. Nearly 1,000 submissions were received by Council during June and July 2023, with the submissions calling for an increase of commercial floorspace and residential choice, as well as an improvement of the public space network and public domain.

mortdale masterplan

Fast forward two years and nearly half of the proposed homes have been slashed, with local residents concerned the town would become a “high-rise Hurstville”.

The plan will see building heights increased within the area, with a number of retail areas to be revitalised to boost the local economy and visitor engagement. Medium and low rise towers will front Pitt Street and Morts Road at six and four storeys at a maximum for each respective thoroughfare. 

Certain areas will allow for high density and encourage multi-residential development, while other areas will be zoned as medium density for housing. A planning proposal will now be formulated by local government.


Images: Georges River Council.