Community consultation next on the list for government on Aerotropolis
As the Western Sydney Aerotropolis draws closer to construction, community consultation now becomes vital, with the proposed changes to the State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) now on public exhibition.As the Western Sydney Aerotropolis draws closer to construction, community consultation now becomes vital, with the proposed changes to the State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) now on public exhibition.
The final planning package for the Aerotropolis, the changes include large reductions to the size of the Aerotropolis’ open space network and environment and recreation zone, responding directly to community feedback. The government also comprehensively reviewed the open space needs of the Aerotropolis.
Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Rob Stokes, says the government has aimed to ensure there are plenty of parks and open spaces for future residents and workers within the Aerotropolis.
“Planning a new city is an incredibly complex task, and this process proves that nothing is finalised without community consultation,” he says.
“We’ve listened to the community and the recommendations of the Independent Community Commissioner Professor Roberta Ryan, and reduced the amount of land earmarked for open space or an environment and recreation zoning.
“We will still achieve our vision for a Western Parkland City under these proposed changes, while allowing landowners to continue using their property as they do now. This means fewer properties needing to be acquired while still ensuring 95 per cent of homes in the Aerotropolis will be within a five-minute walk of open space.”
The revised open space network will see 16 percent of land in the initial precincts, amounting to some 869 hectares, acquired for parks and public spaces. Minister for Western Sydney, Stuart Ayres says the vision for the Aerotropolis includes a series of green spaces.
“The future Aerotropolis won’t just be a great place to work and do business, it will also be home to some of Sydney’s best parks,” he says.
“The feedback from the community has created a better balanced Aerotropolis plan, that will create more jobs closer to where people live and ensure a green network of parks in the parkland city.”
Under the proposed amendments, the environment and recreation zone at Wianamatta-South Creek will be reduced by a third and a rural zoning re-applied. The Government is currently considering options for the future of Luddenham.
Currently on display are the proposed changes to the Aerotropolis SEPP; the draft Phase 2 Development Control Plan; and the Luddenham Village Discussion Paper. Submissions will be accepted from 8 October until 5 November 2021. The ‘Responding to the Issues’ report, which responds to Professor Ryan’s recommendations and Precinct Plan submissions; the Open Space Needs Study; and Community Guidelines on Existing Use Rights and Permissible Land Uses are also on display for public viewing.
For more information regarding the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, head to planning.nsw.gov.au/aerotropolis.
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