Funds remaining for the solar hot water rebate following its termination last month will remain in the forward estimates, and negotiations around how to spend it will continue with the Greens and industry, according to a letter of assurance from the government to the Greens.
“I’ve been very pleased with the constructive discussions I’ve had with Parliamentary Secretary Mark Dreyfus and I look forward to continuing work with him and the solar hot water industry to make sure this great clean energy industry can flourish,” Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Christine Milne, said.
“Solar hot water is a clean, green manufacturing industry central to the move to a clean energy future. It creates jobs, is building an export industry, and helps householders save money on their power bills.
“Mr Dreyfus has acknowledged that remaining funds budgeted for solar hot water will be spent on the industry and that he is happy to work with the Greens and the industry to work out the best way to spend these funds.
“I am confident that, with this new assurance today, the Greens can come to an agreement with the government very soon which will help the manufacturers and installers keep employing people and also help householders embrace this clean, money-saving technology.”
The letter from Dreyfus to the Greens pledged:
“I am happy to work closely with you to look at potential ways the available funding continues to support Australia’s solar and heat pump hot water industry maintain jobs and competitiveness in the short term, and particularly this year, ahead of the strong support that will flow from the carbon price and other measures identified above.”