The only thing more chilling than a winter snap, is receiving the power bill at the end of it. And with continuing rises in the price of gas and electricity, many Australians are now looking to invest in more energy-efficient, cost-effective ways to heat their homes.

Geothermal heat pumps - though undeniably effective - are expensive to run, strenuous on the environment and can bring on headaches, sore throats and in some cases, minor yet avoidable communicable diseases to the building’s users and occupants.  

The plethora of artificial heating options does not detract from the fact that nothing beats a naturally heated or cooled environment for the mind and immune system.

One such component that industry experts agree can greatly reduce the need for artificial temperature control is the type of glass making up the surface of the building.

Glass has long since been a key element to consider when designing or refurbishing a space, and increasingly so, for its aesthetic properties and ability to capitalise on the surrounding environment and natural light. Beyond these obvious longstanding benefits, advancements in technology mean that glass can also yield excellent results for solar control and thermal insulation.

Glasswork’s LoE-i89® is a single glazed low-emissivity glass that reflects escaping heat back into the room, ensuring that the building’s overall thermal performance retains heat in the winter, but also allows it to escape in the warmer months.

An ideal solution all year round; LoE-i89® takes into consideration the need for both passive cooling and heating demands in Australia, offering two innovative solutions in this range: the Grey i89 for warmer climates and west elevations, and the Clear i89 to take full advantage of northern sun exposure in the winter months.

To suit all performance requirements and project budgets, LoE-i89 is able to be installed as a single glazed or double glazed unit, or combined with Glassworks LoE-366® (a pioneering triple interlayer of silver that rejects solar heat without compromising visibility) for the ultimate performance unit.

Though a high performer in its own right; LoE-i89® when teamed up with Glassworks’ LoE 366® triple interlayer in an IGU, delivers a U-Value of just 1.1, equating to the lowest U-Value currently on the Australian market. Together they make for the ideal solution in any building exposed to extreme temperatures by Australian standards; such as those experienced in Melbourne or Tasmanian summers and winters.

With a U-Value of only 1.1 and a Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) of just 0.27, this harmonious combination not only meets the most stringent energy standards but also works to provide a Visible Light Transmission (VLT) figure of 63%, the highest light transmission possible for such a U-Value and SHGC performer.

Traditionally, IGUs with a performance level that even comes close, is at the expense of aesthetics, as it is often hard to avoid the inherent haze. However, the composition of LoE-i89 not only outperforms other clear low-emissivity products but offers a clearer surface without the haze.

In addition, LoE-i89® also comes standard with Neat® technology, a coating system that harnesses the sun’s rays to loosen dirt for the rain to wash away and is the only monolithic product on the world market that offers both energy insulation and easy-clean innovation.

A seamless blend of form and function, Glasswork’s collection of low-emissivity performance glass offers the ultimate in clarity, thermal performance and solar control.

Combining these recent innovations in glass design technology, LoE-i89 is paving the way for a new generation of energy-efficient homes that are cost-effective to run and comfortable no matter the climate.