The timber weatherboard home has been a defining feature of the Australian housing landscape since the late 19th century. Today, these historic homes are still found in suburbs throughout the country, their classic look adding a timeless charm to the streets they adorn.

For many of these homes though, the decades of exposure to harsh Australian conditions have not been kind. After multiple paint jobs and repairs to cracks, holes and dents, the exteriors are showing their age – and not in a good way.

As such, restoring these homes to former glories is an endeavour many are undertaking, helping to recapture the original beauty and at the same time adding value to their investment. The key to success of these restoration projects is staying true to the unique styles of yesteryear. Compromising on the look or quality of the timber cladding can result in a house that looks worse and is worth less than before.

Working with an experienced and reliable provider of period timber cladding can ensure a quality heritage restoration project, helping to deliver an authentic looking exterior that can be enjoyed for years to come.

Healy’s Building manufacture and supply custom-made period timber weatherboards to the Australian building market, helping to restore historical Federation homes, Victorian homes, and Californian Bungalows to their original glory.

With over 40 years’ experience in wood machining, Healy’s Building creates the best reproductive timber claddings to preserve the heritage of Australia’s early architecture.

Healy’s Building cladding products are genuine timber, providing a low-carbon footprint along with outstanding thermal and sound insulation properties.

With the ability to recreate the unique shapes of period weatherboards, Healy’s Building set themselves apart from all other weatherboard suppliers on the Australian market.

To find out more about the benefits of heritage restorations CLICK HERE to download this free white paper “Keeping It Real: Why Customised Replica Timber Cladding Makes Sense in Heritage Restoration”

Click here to visit Healy’s Building period weatherboards and shingles and see for yourself